When it comes to attending Baby Showers, or getting
Baby Jewellery for a New-Born baby , we always to get something practical. Like bottles, learning toys, clothes, pampers, etc... Hardly do we ever to get a keep-sake sort of gift that the baby can always keep. My favorite pick in this category is one of my favorite things : jewelry. Like the set with the pink angels (pictured above) is great for a baby girl, whether for a baby shower, or once the baby is born, or even a first Birthday. For Baby Boys, a great option would be a chain or bracelet as well made of gold , or a simple tag necklace ( like the one pictured at top) are my favorite choices for Baby Boys. Although the baby will essentially "out grow" the jewlery, they can always have them as a keepsake and possibly pass it on to their own children. Some parents may even pass on the pieces to younger siblings, and make it some sort of tradition within the family. If the jewelry is of high quality ( diamonds, etc... ) it can easily be turned into something else - like a ring, pair of earrings, a pendant, etc.. Another great keepsake option which is unisex are those baby rattles made out of Sterling Silver. (Remember in Sex and The City when Trey bought one for he and Charlotte's "baby" ??) You can get those engraved with the Baby's name , or even with a message to the new parents, or if you are the parents-to-be, a message to your new baby is always nice.
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