FHI Heat Hot Sauce

FHI Heat Curling Iron (available in both sizes mentioned below)

FHI Heat National Artistic Director Angel del Solar explains step-by-step how to recreate the glamorous hairstyles of actresses Kate Winslet, Sarah Jessica Parker, Vanessa Hudgens at the 81st Annual Oscars.
"Take 2 x 2 inch triangles, lightly saturate the hair with your favorite aerosol hairspray. Comb through the section to make sure hair is evenly distributed. With one hand, take entire section and twist to base. Place the FHI Heat 3/4" Curling iron underneath the section. Take the hair and wind around the FHI Heat 3/4" Curling iron. Hold for approximately 15 seconds - slide iron out and secure with the FHI Heat T-Rex Clips. Complete the entire head in this fashion. Let it all cool and remove clips. Apply approximately 1/2 a dime size of FHI Heat Hot Sauce to hands to emulsify - work through sections gently."
"Starting at side, taking horizontal sections. Place the FHI Heat Domed Platform Iron at the base, push with the iron forward and then move down hair shaft and pull with the Domed iron. Continue down each section until the entire head is complete."
"Using the FHI Heat 1 1/2" Curling iron starting from the front hairline working back to the top of the occipital bone. Create a horizontal parting from ear to ear. Sub-section to make curls going towards the nape. At the occipital bone, change direction, taking one row of curls in reverse direction. Brush out with FHI Heat Paddle Brush. Backcomb the hair, then set style in finish by pinning hair under like a bob, and spray with hairspray."
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