The newest craze to hit nails since MINX is the new iBling vs. BB Bling. The trend is to paint your nails pref in a dark hue (- but I currently have Stark White lacquer on) , and according to you phone of choice you paint your texting / app choosing weapons - iPhones (index fingers) or Blackberrys (thumbs) in a glittery oh so blingalicious hue.
When it was first bought to my attention , it was Silver for BB , and Gold for iPhone , but I don't like to stick to the rules, and I've put together some suggestions courtesy of ZOYA ( one of my fav brands) as Bling suggestions.
Although I don't have an iPhone , but my phone is all touchscreen - I am on team iBling as default. - I currently love South Beach Ice as my bling choice of the moment. Richelle and Trixie are my choices for a more classic look, for those who don't want to be too adventurous with their nails.
When it was first bought to my attention , it was Silver for BB , and Gold for iPhone , but I don't like to stick to the rules, and I've put together some suggestions courtesy of ZOYA ( one of my fav brands) as Bling suggestions.
Although I don't have an iPhone , but my phone is all touchscreen - I am on team iBling as default. - I currently love South Beach Ice as my bling choice of the moment. Richelle and Trixie are my choices for a more classic look, for those who don't want to be too adventurous with their nails.
Checkout ZOYA for all the Bling Suggestions mentioned above
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